In an historical period in which the use of multimedia tools for learning, dissemination, exchange of information and maintenance of working relationships has become indispensable, this project aims to develop a multimedia platform “Knowledge Exchange Platform – KEP” as an innovative tool for the exchange of knowledge and learning in the context of Animal and Food Science.

Research topics and new findings from the PhD course.

Find out the results obtained by students from the main research lines of the PhD course.

The general goal of the project is to enhance the learning of transversal knowledge concerning the main research topics of the PhD course in Animal and Food Science as well as favouring the professional development of PhD students also by using a peer exchange approach.

To create a common and transversal knowledge.

In the context of the project, students will exercise their skills regarding methods, tool and approaches of communication and scientific dissemination. As the PhD course in Animal and Food Science provides a wide range of basic curricular training courses, from statistics to public speaking, here students can put in practice what they are learning

1. Research

To share the research topics and new findings from the PhD course of Animal and Food Science.

2. Knowledge

To create a common and transversal knowledge using multimedia tools.

3. Careers

To boost students careers by sharing their work and creating new collaborations and opportunities.